Liebster Award Nomination

I was nominated by Thistles and Whistles! Thank You!! This is so late. I was nominated weeks ago, but better late than never I guess!

“Liebster Award is a chain award created by bloggers and passed on from one blogger to another to encourage connections. It is a wonderful, fun way to interact and make friends in the blogging community.”

These are the rules:

1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator.
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers, who have less than 200 followers and link them.
4. Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

Thistles and Whistles’ Questions:

1. What is your dream job?

My dream job would probably be to do communications for a theatre or ballet company or something like that. I would love to write press releases and feature articles for a fine arts organization of some kind. Or just a job where I can read, write, and research! 

2. Any hobbies you spend your free time pursuing?

I have been dancing since I was four years old and I still spend a lot of time doing that. I am on the dance team and dance ensemble at my college. I’ve made some great friends through dancing and it is an amazing stress reliever for me. I also love to do crafts like card making, embroidery, and diy decorating projects.  
3. Do you have a hidden talent?

I can’t think of anything! I mean love to sing, but I’m not amazing at it or anything.

4. The best piece of advice you’ve received so far.

My mom has always told me to “be good and sweet and kind.” I try to have this mentality in everything I do.  

5. Have you done something so unlike your personality and felt incredibly brave for accomplishing it?

I have done a lot of things in college that I am very proud of: trying out for dance team, applying to be an ambassador, getting out of my comfort zone and talking to new people. 

6. If you could time-travel, which era would you like to visit?

I think I would want to travel to some time in the 1800s because it was such a wonderful time for literature. I love Edgar Allan Poe so it would be so cool to be alive when he was writing. The people back then really knew how to use vocabulary in their written and spoken word. The clothes the women and men wore were so beautiful. 
7. Something that you miss from the pre-internet/technology days and wish that it would come back again.

I miss having less distractions.  I feel like my smart phone and laptop distract me from so many things. I think I would get my homework done faster, I would read more, have better conversations with people, and who knows what else if I was less dependent on technology.

I also hate that the art of letter writing is dying.  I think a handwritten letter or card can say so much.  It is something that I personally will never let go of.

8. Whatโ€™s in your travel essentials bag?

I’m notorious for over packing for even the shortest of trips, but I can’t think of anything very interesting that I pack every time I travel.  I always have my makeup bag and lots of different outfit choices because you never know what you are going to end up doing. I always bring a few books to read as well.

9. A living person you admire the most and why?

I think I’d say Emma Watson because she is not only a great actress, but she is furthering herself by getting an education at Brown University and she is using her platform to bring about social change.  Her HeforShe campaign is so inspiring.  She is trying to show people that feminism is not just a women’s issue. It is an issue for everyone. She’s making progress in showing that being a feminist doesn’t mean that you hate men and believe that everything is their fault etc. She’s using her fame to promote equality. 
10. Your frequent guilty purchases.

Chocolate, especially Reese’s Cups, is probably my biggest one. Chocolate is my weakness!  

11. Your favourite season and what you love most about it.

It’s a tie between fall and spring. I love them both for similar reasons.  I live in the south so I love to see the leaves change colors in the fall. I live for the chilly, sweater and boots weather.  My wardrobe is definitely the best in the fall.  I love spring because I love the beautiful flowers and the mild temperatures.  I love wearing bright colors and cute sandals and cardigans.  

I am nominating:

Tales of a Triplet

Bibliophilia Reviews 

A Comfy Chair in the Corner

– Reviews of a Self Proclaimed Bibliophile

– Laura’s Health & Beauty Advice

–  And anyone who wants to do it! Just comment your URL so I can check it out. ๐Ÿ™‚

My Questions:

1. What is your favorite book?

2. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

3. What is your prized possesion?

4. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you pick?

5. If you could jump on a plane right now and go anywhere you wanted to go, where would you go?

6. What is you biggest fear?

7. What is/was your favorite subject in school?

8. What do you like to do for fun?

9. What do you believe is the best quality a person can have?

10. What is your favorite holiday?

11. If you could change anything about the world, what would you change?

2 thoughts on “Liebster Award Nomination

  1. Hi Candace! Enjoyed reading your answers! When I posed the question about missing something from the pre-internet days, I was hoping someone would say something about how much we used to be able to communicate better in those days, have stronger friendships and of course, the letter writing which I really miss! You nailed all of it ! Haha! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Good luck. Look forward to reading more stuff from your blog.
    Cheers! Tx

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